Work and Rest Regulations For Adherents of Some Religions


Sabbath and holiday is a time for celebration and rest. Jewish law determines the details of time and practice.


Commerce and work are to be suspended on the following days: Naw Ruz, First Day of Ridvan, Ninth Day of Ridvan, Twelfth Day of Ridvan, Declaration of the Bab, Ascension of Baha'u'llah, Martyrdom of Bab, Birth of the Bab, Birth of Baha'u'llah. 


 Sunday is the most widely observed day of worship. Regulations regarding time given for worship depend on regional custom. Work necessity is a determining factor for individual observance. The Orthodox Christian tradition tends to have more explicit no work days.


Believers are expected to observe all primary sacred days and work is to follow rules of necessity. Regional variations of practice are acceptable. Friday is the day for services of prayer and instruction - usually at about noon. Individuals are to observe five daily times of prayer. Shariah determines appropriate work.

Commentary: Most religious holy days are enmeshed in cultural and social observations. Hard and fast regulations are difficult to develop since governmental and educational institutions operate in the light of the opinions and pressures of the local population. The tension between moral regulations and technical regulations is a growing reality globally. Complexity tends to consume time and energy in a world of scarcity. Local creative innovation will likely develop meaningful ways of handling this human dilemma. Religion will not go away nor will government and business.  

Update on January 10, 2015

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